by Deborah Cox | Jun 27, 2020 | anger, cultural healing, dissociation, getting grounded, parenting, Reconceive, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Uncategorized
Dissociation Makes for Scary Anger I know you: You don’t want to hurt anybody, ever. But you grew up around someone who behaved irresponsibly when they were angry. You’d prefer take it out on yourself than be anything like that person. That person showed scary anger...
by Deborah Cox | Jan 26, 2017 | Becoming More of Your True Self, child maltreatment, Therapy, Women, Write and Heal
Lies often come from authority-figures. When I was growing up, preachers told the story of Abraham and Isaac: the one about how Abraham takes his child to a mountaintop and prepares to stab him to death as a sacrifice to God (whose ego must have been puny).Every time...
by Deborah Cox | Jan 25, 2017 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Connect, Mood, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Women
Saturday was Voice Medicine for me. Not only did I march and yell, I connected with thousands (millions) of others and said, We All Belong Here. It countered the heavy weight of worry and dread I’d been feeling for the last two and a half months (maybe longer), made...
by Deborah Cox | Nov 10, 2016 | child maltreatment, Relationships, Women, Write and Heal
“Don’t sound like such a victim,” said somebody on Facebook yesterday. I talk with so many of you in shock and grief about our presidential election. You feel assaulted. You fear saying how raw and threatening it feels, how sick you are. My throat...
by Deborah Cox | Aug 1, 2016 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Create Art, Write and Heal
Toxic Faith & Political Abuse Spiritual practice should calm and ground you – so you feel hopeful, refreshed, more generous, and more compassionate. Religion and philosophy should promote ever-increasing access to your wise mind or Higher Self. But some...
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