by Deborah Cox | Jun 27, 2016 | Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, EMDR, Feel Better, Mood, Relationships, Therapy, Write and Heal
I used to fall a lot. On the sidewalk. In my yard. Up a flight of marble stairs. About seven years ago, after a string of bizarre falls where I ended up with scars on my shins and a pulled muscle in my back, I followed the trail of breadcrumbs and made a body-mind...
by Deborah Cox | Jun 19, 2016 | Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, Mood, parenting, Relationships
My son amazes me. He has his obsessions, but they’re about his music, his philosophizing. He’s so different from the adolescent me of thirty-five years ago. He’s calmer and freer to learn. He’s funny, and takes creative risks with language. He accepts people...
by MoLynnie | Jun 17, 2016 | Books & Short Stories, Women, Write and Heal
Some in the 70s missed ERA and the end of Vietnam. Among them was Elizabeth Campbell, the heroine of Wife Material: A Novel of Misbehavior and Freedom. Cocooned from the larger world of feminism and anti-government rallies, Elizabeth was well-prepared for domestic...
by Deborah Cox | Jun 2, 2016 | Mood
I’m a Failure. If I weren’t so lazy, I’d be more financially stable. If I was a better daughter, my parents would still be together. If I were thinner, my husband would have sex with me. If I weren’t so angry, I’d have friends. If I’d worked harder in my 20s,...
by Deborah Cox | Jun 1, 2016 | Mood, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Relax. You're normal., Women
2019 Update: As if we needed more proof . . . relationships and bodies function together. This article talks about loneliness, which is just another term for disconnection. Everyone I love needs to read these four books. The Birth of Pleasure, Carol Gilligan The...
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