Love is Self Care for Therapists

Relationship Self Care for Therapists When was the last time you applied your counseling skills to yourself to think about your own love life as a critical component of your self-care? Relationships form the essential bedrock of self-care. All the yoga and massage in...

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Self Care for Therapists: The Relational Side

Why Relational Self-Care Matters to Your Work Do you think of your love life as a critical component of your self-care? If you’re like most of us, probably not. Let’s see . . . work out: check, sleep eight hours: check, feel close with someone I love? . . . Not so...

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ReConceive Therapy: Co-Therapy for Everyone’s Nervous System

Sometimes solo therapy feels pretty bleak . . . A client tells you he has no emotion as he reveals his father’s suicide. Therapy fails to gain traction and he continues to not feel. Another client has an auto-immune disorder that started when she discovered her...

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Listening to Children’s Anger: Anger Wisdom, Part XXIII

Remember being angry as a child? Children's anger deserves our attention. When I talk to adults about their childhood anger, they usually remember, but feel anxious talking about it. Sometimes they draw a complete blank. I definitely remember being angry as a kid, and...

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When Anger Corrodes: Anger Wisdom, Part XXII

When anger corrodes. Wait, does it? How can you tell when your anger morphs from a moment of clarity and self-protection to something else entirely? Anger has its destructive side . . . at least Ursula K. Le Guin believes it does. I reserve the right, at the end of...

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Exiting a Sick System: Anger Wisdom, Part XIX

How does anger help us exit sick systems? Anger helps us exit sick systems. How? Anger allows information processing, because it is a part of the learning curve. So, let’s look at how anger facilitates timely exit when we need it. First, sick systems tend to have...

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The Myth of Selfish Anger: Anger Wisdom, Part XIII

Selfish Anger? I recently saw a church flyer advertising its curriculum to help members deal with their anger.  The minister quoted Frederick Buechner who called anger one of the seven deadly sins. “To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past . ....

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