Saturday was Voice Medicine for me. Not only did I march and yell, I connected with thousands (millions) of others and said, We All Belong Here. It countered the heavy weight of worry and dread I’d been feeling for the last two and a half months (maybe longer), made me feel lighter, less alone, more powerful, more able to speak.
Voice Medicine lets me know I’m not alone in noticing what is not normal.
- I breathe more deeply.
- I feel hope and humor again.
- I sleep better.
- I stop eating sweets.
- I get my voice back.
. . . which is why you need your tribe: people who get why you feel the way you do.
Right now, more than ever, voice builds community.
All those years of sitting silently in my childhood church made me confused, isolated, and mute. But standing up with other women and men, BEING LOUD, lets me hear my actual thoughts and lets others know I’m there for them too.
Here are some steps toward Voice Medicine:
- Join (or start) a support group for survivors of abuse.
- Meet a new neighbor; find out what they have in common with you.
- Volunteer at your local domestic violence shelter.
- Seek out like-minded people online. Ask them to tell their stories.
- Take a group of friends to a senator’s office to voice your concerns. Tell them you’re paying attention to how vulnerable people are treated by our government.
- Make eye contact with people begging for help . Ask them what they need most.
- Start an action group to end workplace bullying.
- Reach out to someone being harassed or abused; reach across the color or gender divide.
- Form a walking group in your neighborhood.
- Tell your kids, connection matters; talk to their friends and their friends’ parents.
Tell anyone who will listen: voice changes things.
Please let me know if you are interested in becoming part of an ongoing Voice Medicine group. Be the change.
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