by Deborah Cox | Jan 9, 2025 | Anxiety & Calm, Artistic Healing, books, EMDR, EMDR books, Feel Better, help for the helpers, Relationships, Resources, self-EMDR, self-help exercisees, Therapy, Uncategorized
An EMDR Workbook for Everyone Self-Help EMDR Therapy? Self-EMDR is a kind of radical notion, I’ll admit, but it’s time has come. You already know that EMDR (eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy works with the whole nervous system to resolve...
by Deborah Cox | Aug 15, 2020 | anger, Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, Coaching For the Therapist, cultural healing, dissociation, EMDR, Feel Better, getting grounded, Mood, Reconceive, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Therapy, Uncategorized, Write and Heal
How does anger help us exit sick systems? Anger helps us exit sick systems. How? Anger allows information processing, because it is a part of the learning curve. So, let’s look at how anger facilitates timely exit when we need it. First, sick systems tend to have...
by Deborah Cox | Jul 24, 2020 | anger, Anxiety & Calm, cultural healing, EMDR, Feel Better, getting grounded, Mood, Reconceive, Therapy, Uncategorized
Deliberate, controlled anger work helps people de-stress and feel better, immediately. Anger De-Stress People are stressed out right now. They feel the stress of the pandemic and the seeming hopelessness of our political circus. I hear people say: I can’t...
by Deborah Cox | Jun 22, 2020 | anger, Anxiety & Calm, cultural healing, EMDR, Reconceive, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Uncategorized
The heart wants to forgive. No matter the offense or the offender, we desire the release of letting it go. Our need to forgive is universal and I believe clear, grounded anger bridges us from hurt to forgiveness. In other words, when we feel angry with the other, we...
by Deborah Cox | Jun 20, 2020 | anger, cultural healing, dissociation, EMDR, Mood, Relationships
“Angry People” So here’s where anger gets really complicated. Not only do we dissociate in response to anger triggers when we fear being angry . . . we numb our anger based on heavy grooming that starts as soon as we’re born. My client, David (not his real name),...
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