by Deborah Cox | Dec 2, 2015 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Connect, EMDR, Mood, Relationships, Therapy
“It Must be My Fault” Beth gets the guilt like a reflex if anything goes wrong…..Especially if it involves her partner or her kids. “If Stuart’s in a bad mood, I assume it has something to do with me.” She feels responsible for her divorce. “If I had been calmer and...
by Deborah Cox | Nov 23, 2015 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Connect, Mood, Relationships, Therapy
Every time I see you, I say a little prayer of thanks that you’re in my life. You help me more than you know. I’m thankful….. …..for the new ideas you bring to me. …..for your smiling eyes that greet me even though your heart is full of pain. …..for your honesty that...
by Deborah Cox | Sep 4, 2015 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Women
My husband keeps asking how I want to celebrate my dreaded 50th birthday. He means well. But nothing sounds quite right. A Mediterranean cruise?…No A zip line through the Rocky Mountains?…No A party with all our friends and a margarita machine?…No...
by Deborah Cox | Aug 16, 2015 | EMDR
When I was a psychologist-in-training, I saw lots of people who had panic attacks – and I had no idea how to help them. My supervisor, Dr. Maryanne Watson, always asked me, “Who is she most angry with?” Then I ran back to my client and asked the question. Without...
by Deborah Cox | Jul 28, 2015 | EMDR
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing can change your life. It’s not as complicated as it sounds, but it is a leading methodology for individuals to overcome past trauma and better connect with their present lives. If you were ever mistreated as a child;...
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