by Deborah Cox | Jan 9, 2025 | Anxiety & Calm, Artistic Healing, books, EMDR, EMDR books, Feel Better, help for the helpers, Relationships, Resources, self-EMDR, self-help exercisees, Therapy, Uncategorized
An EMDR Workbook for Everyone Self-Help EMDR Therapy? Self-EMDR is a kind of radical notion, I’ll admit, but it’s time has come. You already know that EMDR (eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy works with the whole nervous system to resolve...
by Deborah Cox | Mar 31, 2018 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Coaching For the Therapist, EMDR, Feel Better, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Relax. You're normal.
Maybe our flaws even make us lovable. My Flaws I have a few characteristics of which I’m not proud. Most of them fall into the category of “uptightness” . . . fear and shame and rigidity. Before EMDR, I would not have written this post for fear of public...
by Deborah Cox | Jun 5, 2017 | Anxiety & Calm, EMDR, Feel Better, Mood
I have a few Negative Beliefs . . . I did some dumb things in my teens. I backed the family car out of the driveway, into our neighbor’s car (which had exited his driveway a second ahead of mine). I waited tables at a church banquet and spilled iced tea down the back...
by Deborah Cox | Mar 19, 2017 | Mood
Holding On & Letting Go You know, that feeling where you remind yourself to worry? Lately, I catch myself holding certain issues with a death grip; things I can’t control. My loved-one’s health habits. The world’s poverty and greed. Our mass addictions to...
by Deborah Cox | Dec 10, 2016 | Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, EMDR, Mood, Write and Heal
What does it mean to be self centered? Your Self is your wise spiritual center. But outside this center, we live under a weighted blanket of stress and uncertainty, threatened by darkness and greed from all angles. We feel disconnected from neighbors and afraid of...
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