by Deborah Cox | Jun 19, 2016 | Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, Mood, parenting, Relationships
My son amazes me. He has his obsessions, but they’re about his music, his philosophizing. He’s so different from the adolescent me of thirty-five years ago. He’s calmer and freer to learn. He’s funny, and takes creative risks with language. He accepts people...
by Deborah Cox | Jan 11, 2016 | Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, Coaching For the Therapist, Feel Better, Mood, Write and Heal
People ask me, “How do you do what you do and stay calm? How do you not go crazy with all the stories you absorb from people who are hurting?” I say, “Sometimes I do go crazy.” I’m not immune to people’s stress and it can make me crazy tired…..Which is why I...
by Deborah Cox | Dec 30, 2015 | Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, child maltreatment, parenting, Relationships, Therapy
Hands are Not for Hitting (and not for Shoving, Slapping, Swatting, Pinching, Jerking, or “Spanking”). We read this book to my son when he was three. Hands help and love and wave goodbye. Hands paint and cook and communicate. But some adults still use...
by Deborah Cox | Dec 12, 2015 | Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, EMDR, Relax. You're normal., Therapy
Something tells me I’m a very bad person. Under the bridge…..beneath, “It’s my fault,” lives a more troubling idea…It hides in us like a troll under a bridge. Anyone who’s survived religious abuse knows the old thought-training dies...
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