by Deborah Cox | Oct 29, 2018 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Create Art, Feel Better, following inspiration, Mood, Write and Heal
Creating Soul Healing You probably know how I feel about this one. Art saves lives. But for the rest of this post, I’ll stay away from the word, “Art,” and replace it with “Creativity” or “Creating.” Creating leads us out of...
by Deborah Cox | Jun 19, 2018 | Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, Coaching For the Therapist, Feel Better, Mood, Wife Material
What is Meditation? Meditation trains our minds to focus on the present moment, to be aware of our thoughts and feelings, and to observe our whole experience in a mindful way. It’s any practice that fosters mindfulness. I’ve practiced daily...
by Deborah Cox | Feb 10, 2017 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Connect, EMDR, Mood, Relationships, Therapy
I just learned something: getting more of what we want happens when we shift into the right mindset to receive . . . Receiving Mode. We want intimacy, creativity, close friendships, satisfying work, a healthy family . . . a healthy community, nation, and world....
by Deborah Cox | Sep 13, 2016 | Mood
Spiritual abuse includes any kind of religious teaching or practice that diminishes your human rights, isolates you from the wider world, or systematically places you in positions of low power. I modeled these affirmations for healing spiritual abuse on those...
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