by Deborah Cox | Jan 25, 2017 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Connect, Mood, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Women
Saturday was Voice Medicine for me. Not only did I march and yell, I connected with thousands (millions) of others and said, We All Belong Here. It countered the heavy weight of worry and dread I’d been feeling for the last two and a half months (maybe longer), made...
by Deborah Cox | Dec 29, 2016 | Coaching For the Therapist, Mood, parenting, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Women
Leadership (said with a sneer) I hate the word, “Leader.” It’s lost every shred of meaning it once held for me. Leadership once meant authority and concern for the welfare of everyone in its reach. Now it sounds like a fake word with fake facts to support its...
by Deborah Cox | Nov 10, 2016 | child maltreatment, Relationships, Women, Write and Heal
“Don’t sound like such a victim,” said somebody on Facebook yesterday. I talk with so many of you in shock and grief about our presidential election. You feel assaulted. You fear saying how raw and threatening it feels, how sick you are. My throat...
by Deborah Cox | Nov 4, 2016 | Beauty Culture, Becoming More of Your True Self, Coaching For the Therapist, Create Art, Mood, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Women
, Woman-Hate=Mostly Unconscious Fear of Women’s Empowerment. One day, in 1992, I had a panic attack. It came out of nowhere. I got up early and dressed for work, made breakfast and started a load of laundry, turned on the morning news while I finished my hair and my...
by MoLynnie | Jun 17, 2016 | Books & Short Stories, Women, Write and Heal
Some in the 70s missed ERA and the end of Vietnam. Among them was Elizabeth Campbell, the heroine of Wife Material: A Novel of Misbehavior and Freedom. Cocooned from the larger world of feminism and anti-government rallies, Elizabeth was well-prepared for domestic...
by Deborah Cox | Jun 1, 2016 | Mood, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Relax. You're normal., Women
2019 Update: As if we needed more proof . . . relationships and bodies function together. This article talks about loneliness, which is just another term for disconnection. Everyone I love needs to read these four books. The Birth of Pleasure, Carol Gilligan The...
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