Sixteen Truths About Anger: Anger Wisdom, Part IV

16 Anger Truths This list of anger truths comes from my own and other people’s research, as well as my nearly 30 years in the mental health industry. I’ll be back soon to discuss each item here. For today, I want to put the list in front of you. It matters...

A Conversation about I and Thou

Remember the last time you worked a concession stand? You wore your team’s t-shirt and took money and gave out candy bars? Remember how odd it felt when people handed you their dollar bills without any eye contact? Like you’re the generic...

Snap out of Trance and De-Zombie-fy (I & Thou, part 2)

I’ve been watching people turn into zombies all week in couples therapy. One woman said, I shut myself down so I won’t have to strangle him! Trance-induction is complicated. It robs us of moments, but it helps us avoid feelings we don’t want to have....
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