by Deborah Cox | Jun 1, 2015 | EMDR, Relationships, Therapy
Trauma Therapy: Take Another Look (It’s not what you think). Jim has a problem. His wife of twenty years sends him to therapy. She says, “I don’t like hanging out with you anymore.” He’s hurt and defensive. Jim has no idea what a gift his...
by Deborah Cox | Oct 28, 2014 | Connect, Relationships, Therapy
It’s not easy to reconnect with your partner after months or years of relationship stalemate. But with a little guidance, you may be able to build a bridge to your lover. Remember when you knew which color popsicle to choose, just because red felt better than...
by Deborah Cox | Oct 3, 2014 | Mood, Therapy
We story our lives around the characters in them. And of all the characters in our stories, we refer most often to our partners, spouses, lovers, and soul mates. Disconnection from our lovers makes up the bulk of what we say to our therapists, our best friends, and...
by Deborah Cox | Oct 3, 2014 | Connect, Feel Better, Mood, Relationships, Therapy
“I don’t really hang out with people anymore.” Most people I meet who are in distressed relationships say they have few friends outside their marriage or partnership. Especially the men. They say things like . . . I’ve lost touch with old...
by Deborah Cox | Aug 11, 2014 | Connect, Relationships, Therapy
My husband calms me. Joe and I entertain ourselves with art and home improvement projects. We brainstorm tile mosaics on long car rides. We consult about family therapy (he too is a psychologist). We talk about good books and he gives me ideas for topics and language....
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