by Deborah Cox | Sep 11, 2020 | anger, Becoming More of Your True Self, child maltreatment, cultural healing, dissociation, getting grounded, parenting, Reconceive, Relational Cultural Theory, Therapy, Uncategorized
Remember being angry as a child? Children’s anger deserves our attention. When I talk to adults about their childhood anger, they usually remember, but feel anxious talking about it. Sometimes they draw a complete blank. I definitely remember being angry as a...
by Deborah Cox | Jan 26, 2017 | Becoming More of Your True Self, child maltreatment, Therapy, Women, Write and Heal
Lies often come from authority-figures. When I was growing up, preachers told the story of Abraham and Isaac: the one about how Abraham takes his child to a mountaintop and prepares to stab him to death as a sacrifice to God (whose ego must have been puny).Every time...
by Deborah Cox | Dec 30, 2015 | Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, child maltreatment, parenting, Relationships, Therapy
Hands are Not for Hitting (and not for Shoving, Slapping, Swatting, Pinching, Jerking, or “Spanking”). We read this book to my son when he was three. Hands help and love and wave goodbye. Hands paint and cook and communicate. But some adults still use...
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