ReConceive Your Space

I love helping people get the spaces that help them heal and realize their dreams. To ReConceive Your Space, we meet at your office or home to envision, plan, and develop the room you want.
For business owners: we spend half a day working on your office – or perhaps a sanctuary at home where you meditate and get ready for your workday.
For couples: we work on a space in your home where you’d both like something new that allows you to enjoy each other’s company.
Among my many tools, I use Tapping (EFT), Performance EMDR, art- making, and other methods to help you clear unwanted clutter and revision your space so that you are productive, energized, and in flow with life and business.
ReConceive Your Space Blogs
Exiting a Sick System: Anger Wisdom, Part XIX
How does anger help us exit sick systems? Anger helps us exit sick systems. How? Anger allows information processing, because it is a part of the learning curve. So, let’s look at how anger facilitates timely exit when we need it. First, sick systems tend to have...
White Anger and Cultural Narcissism: Anger Wisdom, Part XVIII
What is Cultural Narcissism? Before we talk about White anger, we have to address cultural narcissism. Cultural narcissism, according to George Simon, includes all the ways a group or society tolerates, encourages, and promotes traits like: Excessive striving for...
Authoritarianism, Bad Parenting, and World Politics: Anger Wisdom, Part XVII
Bad Parenting and Misdirected Anger When I look at the global trend toward authoritarianism and fascism, I feel sick. Actually, I feel pissed. Did we learn nothing from the past hundred years? How do the most insecure, least competent, people come into such global...
Anger & Heart Health: Anger Wisdom, Part XVI
Anger & Heart Health Let’s dive into how anger affects your heart health. Most people misunderstand the anger/health relationship, because most anger research we tend to hear about has focused on limited aspects. Just do a Google Scholar search and notice what you...
Anger Work De-Stress Now: Anger Wisdom, Part XV
Deliberate, controlled anger work helps people de-stress and feel better, immediately. Anger De-Stress People are stressed out right now. They feel the stress of the pandemic and the seeming hopelessness of our political circus. I hear people say: I can't believe so...
The Myth of Selfish Anger: Anger Wisdom, Part XIII
Selfish Anger? I recently saw a church flyer advertising its curriculum to help members deal with their anger. The minister quoted Frederick Buechner who called anger one of the seven deadly sins. “To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past . ....
Anger at Myself: Anger Wisdom, Part XI
But what if I’m just mad at myself? I nearly always get this question from my clients. Who are you most angry with? I ask. 75% of the time, the answer comes back: I feel anger at myself. Angry with myself for not knowing better Mad at myself for thinking I could...
Scary Anger Dissociation: Anger Wisdom, Part X
Dissociation Makes for Scary Anger I know you: You don’t want to hurt anybody, ever. But you grew up around someone who behaved irresponsibly when they were angry. You’d prefer take it out on yourself than be anything like that person. That person showed scary anger...
Anger & Forgiveness: Anger Wisdom, Part VIII
The heart wants to forgive. No matter the offense or the offender, we desire the release of letting it go. Our need to forgive is universal and I believe clear, grounded anger bridges us from hurt to forgiveness. In other words, when we feel angry with the other, we...
Anger Numbing=Dissociation: Anger Wisdom, Part VI
What Dissociation Looks Like Let’s look at dissociation and how it relates to anger. We know that anger can be either grounded or dissociated. In other words, I stay connected to the present moment, my senses engaged, and feel angry . . . or I lose that present moment...
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