by Deborah Cox | Apr 26, 2017 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Coaching For the Therapist, EMDR, Therapy
I’ve always had a fear of dementia. It started on a visit to my great grandfather in the nursing home and I heard him mistake his daughter (my grandmother) for someone named Betty. Fifteen years later, the same thing started happening to my grandmother and I watched...
by Deborah Cox | Apr 15, 2017 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Coaching For the Therapist, EMDR, Mood, Relationships, Therapy
Spring brings rebirth and color and joy. It also brings pollen, tornadoes, and allergies. My life transitions like the seasons, and even though it scares the crap out of me, I know it’s a good thing. Something gets stale, stuck, or sour and I know it’s time to...
by Deborah Cox | Feb 10, 2017 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Connect, EMDR, Mood, Relationships, Therapy
I just learned something: getting more of what we want happens when we shift into the right mindset to receive . . . Receiving Mode. We want intimacy, creativity, close friendships, satisfying work, a healthy family . . . a healthy community, nation, and world....
by Deborah Cox | Jan 26, 2017 | Becoming More of Your True Self, child maltreatment, Therapy, Women, Write and Heal
Lies often come from authority-figures. When I was growing up, preachers told the story of Abraham and Isaac: the one about how Abraham takes his child to a mountaintop and prepares to stab him to death as a sacrifice to God (whose ego must have been puny).Every time...
by Deborah Cox | Jan 14, 2017 | Anxiety & Calm, Becoming More of Your True Self, Coaching For the Therapist, Mood, Therapy
I went through a hard-core atheist phase. In my 20s. I ran from organized religion and chafed at any mention of a higher power. This was it. Just the here and now. Looking back, I wouldn’t trade that liberation for anything. Throwing off all my childhood...
by Deborah Cox | Sep 5, 2016 | Becoming More of Your True Self, child maltreatment, EMDR, Mood, Therapy, Write and Heal
Repression: I once knew what this was and then I forgot. Last weekend, I attended the EMDRIA conference in Minneapolis where physician, Gabor Maté, spoke about the connections between trauma, emotional repression, and disease. He told the story of his Jewish infant...
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