by Deborah Cox | Jan 9, 2025 | Anxiety & Calm, Artistic Healing, books, EMDR, EMDR books, Feel Better, help for the helpers, Relationships, Resources, self-EMDR, self-help exercisees, Therapy, Uncategorized
An EMDR Workbook for Everyone Self-Help EMDR Therapy? Self-EMDR is a kind of radical notion, I’ll admit, but it’s time has come. You already know that EMDR (eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy works with the whole nervous system to resolve...
by Deborah Cox | Feb 29, 2016 | Mood
Depression and Stuckness Lately, my fifteen-year-old tells me I am too rigid and he no longer believes in anything I believe in. It makes me a little weepy to hear this, but it challenges me to let go of my pre-planned images of how he would grow up. If I tried too...
by Deborah Cox | Feb 15, 2016 | Mood
I have a dream coming true. It involves exercise, EMDR, and the blending of health and creativity. I’ll soon open an office downtown. In a Pilates studio. More details to come, but here’s why I think it makes sense to do my EMDR therapy in a fitness studio,...
by Deborah Cox | Oct 31, 2015 | Mood
Too Much Everything. Please, Make it Stop. I get this way when I’m overwhelmed. When my calendar gets so tight I can’t find room for lunch with a friend, something has to give. So I ask myself questions to see if I can find a way out of the madness and into a more...
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