by Deborah Cox | Dec 10, 2014 | Connect, Mood, parenting, Relationships, Therapy
How do I keep my son from growing up to be a jerk? How do I help him become egalitarian? Great question: How do we raise boys to share power in relationships? The answer lies in your willingness to share power in your own relationships. The “submissive...
by Deborah Cox | Oct 28, 2014 | Connect, Relationships, Therapy
It’s not easy to reconnect with your partner after months or years of relationship stalemate. But with a little guidance, you may be able to build a bridge to your lover. Remember when you knew which color popsicle to choose, just because red felt better than...
by Deborah Cox | Aug 11, 2014 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Relationships, Relax. You're normal.
“Where did I go wrong?” Says the woman across from me, her husband’s chair, the third point in our triangle. “I mean, at what point did I screw up so badly that my marriage turned into a roommate situation.” Susan’s been married to Tony for 11 years. They have two...
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