Leaving Home to Find My Higher (Grownup) Self

I Write to Grow Up I struggle to differentiate, as we all do. Leaving home is a lifelong process, as described by Murray Bowen, the father of family systems theory. But writing my novel, Wife Material, about the process of leaving home, catapulted me forward. That’s...

How Exercise, Story, and EMDR Heal Trauma

You have a story to tell (and it lives in your body.) As you know, I recommend writing as a way of healing. When we write story, we turn pain into beauty, even if we’re spinning complete fiction. Writing forces us to transform bits of disconnected ideas, pictures,...

What’s an emotional boundary and where can I get one?

Therapists talk a lot about boundaries, but we don’t often stop to define them. So this week, as I catch more than my usual number of despairing text messages (maybe it’s the weather?), I need to give myself a refresher course. Hopefully you’ll get something out of...
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