You were meant to create.
Coaching Services for Therapists
Dr. Cox’s coaching services emphasize Artistic Professional Growth (APG) for therapists and other helping professionals. APG draws out your original motivations and creativity for doing the work you do and helps you refocus on your uniqueness in the world. APG coaching is customized to specific client needs, and may include: strategic visioning, creativity exercises, environment (e.g., office, studio) planning, performance EMDR, Tapping (EFT), meditation, art methods, and other (e.g., physical movement) services as needed. All elements chosen for a client’s APG aim you in the direction of your ideal practice, focus on your unique strengths, and plan for your unique needs as a therapist/helper.
You were meant to enjoy.
Environment Coaching Services
Environment coaching focuses on restoring a space in your home or workplace by:
- Clearing clutter
- Organizing the space, and
- Creating an artful environment that helps you do what you most want to do in that space
Often, clients desire to repair relationships and restore order to their home space. Therefore, environment coaching sessions can alternate with therapy sessions.
Many people forget that their outer environment not only demonstrates their inner life but also reinforces it. When you live or work in a beautiful, organized space, you feel better, think more clearly, and become more productive. Couples and families who design spaces together create a tangible place of beauty, a functional work of art, that decreases stress and promotes reconnection in their relationships.
Fee per one-hour (55-70 minute) session: $195.00
*Please inquire about telehealth services for therapy and coaching
Love is Self Care for Therapists
Relationship Self Care for Therapists When was the last time you applied your counseling skills to yourself to think about your own love life as a critical component of your self-care? Relationships form the essential bedrock of self-care. All the yoga and massage in...
Self Care for Therapists: The Relational Side
Why Relational Self-Care Matters to Your Work Do you think of your love life as a critical component of your self-care? If you’re like most of us, probably not. Let’s see . . . work out: check, sleep eight hours: check, feel close with someone I love? . . . Not so...
Reversing Helper Burnout by Coming Home to Ourselves
Health Practitioners in a Crisis of Disconnection Helper burnout creates disconnection of all kinds. As therapists (or other healthcare professionals), this kind of fatigue isolates us from our bodies, our creativity, our sense of meaning, and our intimate...
ReConceive Therapy: Co-Therapy for Everyone’s Nervous System
Sometimes solo therapy feels pretty bleak . . . A client tells you he has no emotion as he reveals his father’s suicide. Therapy fails to gain traction and he continues to not feel. Another client has an auto-immune disorder that started when she discovered her...
ReConceive Therapist Burnout
Burnout in helping professionals becomes a way of life. ReConceive podcast shows you how to reverse it.
ReConceive Podcast: BodyMind Therapy and Love
Body psychotherapy nurtures the link between moving and changing. Attention to the body allows love, learning, and healing from trauma.
Exiting a Sick System: Anger Wisdom, Part XIX
How does anger help us exit sick systems? Anger helps us exit sick systems. How? Anger allows information processing, because it is a part of the learning curve. So, let’s look at how anger facilitates timely exit when we need it. First, sick systems tend to have...
5 Easy Steps to Your Just-Right Home Office Studio
Stay at home requires a just-right home office studio where you can get creative, comfy, and feel your best. Five easy steps to set up your working oasis at home and #flattenthecurve.
Build a Culture of Creative Inspiration: Your Office Space Matters
Creating a beautiful, comfortable therapy office inspires and energizes therapists and clients.
Therapist Creative Support
Beauty prevents burnout by raising our vibration and focusing our energy. Therapists and all helpers need creative support to engage beauty in their everyday work. Building practice based on beauty creates sustainability and abundance.
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