by Deborah Cox | Oct 3, 2014 | Connect, Feel Better, Mood, Relationships, Therapy
“I don’t really hang out with people anymore.” Most people I meet who are in distressed relationships say they have few friends outside their marriage or partnership. Especially the men. They say things like . . . I’ve lost touch with old...
by Deborah Cox | Aug 11, 2014 | Connect, Mood, Relational Cultural Theory, Relationships, Therapy
What does it mean to be “disconnected”? Maybe you see the title of this article and you get the spiritual meaning, before reading another line. Yes, I feel disconnected: from my kids, my partner, my neighbors. Detachments and interruptions make us lonely and...
by Deborah Cox | Aug 11, 2014 | Beauty Culture, Books & Short Stories, Connect, Relationships, Women
In the mirror at Pilates class, I discreetly scan the line of women in workout attire. I perceive I have the widest hips in the room. I feel a downward tug of tension for the rest of the day. Low back. QL muscle. To shake it off, I seek another comparison in which I...
by Deborah Cox | Aug 11, 2014 | Connect, Relationships, Therapy
My husband calms me. Joe and I entertain ourselves with art and home improvement projects. We brainstorm tile mosaics on long car rides. We consult about family therapy (he too is a psychologist). We talk about good books and he gives me ideas for topics and language....
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