by Deborah Cox | Oct 2, 2019 | Aesthetics, Artistic Healing, Coaching For the Therapist, Colors, Ideas, Laughs, Reconceive, Rooms, Sounds, Uncategorized, Words
Therapists Need Support Too We pour ourselves daily into helping others, and we feel good about that. But sooner or later, we experience burnout: stress and fatigue that hangs on, boredom or confusion in how we work, mental blocks, and a feeling of failure. Burnout...
by Deborah Cox | Mar 23, 2019 | Becoming More of Your True Self, Coaching For the Therapist, Create Art, following inspiration, Women
Aesthetics Matter I love area rugs and HGTV. I love flea markets and yarn pom poms. I love love love rearranging the furniture. Not just mine. ANYBODY’s FURNITURE. I love to ReConceive spaces so much, I’m turning this room-therapy into a whole new kind of recovery...
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