By Khunkay (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Something gets stale, stuck, or sour and I know it’s time to think differently. I get an urge to do something – an urge I ignore at my own peril. If I ignore my urge, the message of my higher self, I tend to get sick or depressed. EMDR helps me clear the cognitive clutter and make a change.
Maybe I need to:
Cut my hair
Nurture a child (fur baby or human)
Say yes to a trip
Leave a job
Leave a relationship
Lose my religion
Seek the company of a certain friend
Start a new venture
Get rid of things I’m not using
Change my behavior in relation to someone
Change my behavior in relation to myself
Get into therapy
Complete something I’ve postponed
Abandon a task I thought was essential
Trade couches with someone
Grieve and let go of an old belief that blocks me from growing
There’s always a reason for the urge. It comes from a place I can trust.
Over the years, I’ve learned these transitions always pay off in joy and growth and prosperity, even when it feels like I’m being shoved through a revolving door and lose my shoe. In fact, even when others disapprove of my change, I grow and my life gets better. I have no regrets for any of the detours or U-turns or shocking, hair-spiking, neon-sign-wearing changes I’ve made. Through EMDR, I’ve learned to pay closer attention to how my higher self talks to me, how transition shows up, and how I can allow it.
There’s no mistake, only my path. I welcome the change.
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