Psychology Services
A psychologist in private practice, I specialize in EMDR therapy for anxiety, trauma recovery, depression, and relationship repair. I help bright people become more of who they were meant to be.
User Experience
My new novel, Wife Material, tells a semi-autobiographical story of growing up fundamentalist. I co-authored two books on women’s anger, including The Anger Advantage (Broadway, 2003). Check out my books.
I write about things that matter to me and my clients: relationships, health, creativity, and spirituality. I focus on healing from trauma with EMDR and creative self expression. Read about how to feel better and live more fully.
Recent Deborah Cox Blogs
Everything Is Love Pt. 2
It’s All Love, Part II We Never Stop Loving Think of someone who used to be your partner or your friend. Maybe this person was your first boyfriend/girlfriend. Maybe this person was a best friend when you were younger. Maybe you were married to this person or trusted...
Everything is Love Pt. 1
Love is Everything Think of when you were younger and you wanted to be in love. Remember the dating, the hopes, the rejections, the euphoria, the heartbreak, the waiting and watching. What pictures come to mind? How do you feel about all of that now? Maybe, like me,...
Love is Self Care for Therapists
Relationship Self Care for Therapists When was the last time you applied your counseling skills to yourself to think about your own love life as a critical component of your self-care? Relationships form the essential bedrock of self-care. All the yoga and massage in...
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